Tuesday 17 April 2012

End of year show ideas..

 I want to think initially about the photoshoot, as I need to think about the different photographs I would need to have for each of the different medias.

Also how the photographs (if no the same image) all work together and as a set with all other material.
Also the type. As the design for the word 'revealed' is generally a landscape shape how is this going to work within the constraints of the webs button etc which are sqaure format.
 Finishes - if there is room within the budget what would best suit the design and enhance it to make such things as the private invitation look high quality and something they need to come and see.

Application of the type onto the photographs - I need to think about all the different scales/shapes and what visually look right regarding the type sizes, what is also legible to those whom may not read easily etc think of every person within the target audience and adapt the design.

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